Thursday, August 26, 2010

Published in the St. Pete Times!


Check it out.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day One: An Exhibition of 2nd and 3rd Year MFA Candidates

Here is the work I have up in the Oliver for the Day One Exhibit

Check it out, opening reception will be August 13th from 7 to 9pm

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Ok, that link is totally mammoth, just copy and paste it into your web browser.

I'm Published!!!!!!!

Juxtapoz Online, check it out:,com_jevents/Itemid,11/catids,227/day,06/evid,171274/month,08/task,icalrepeat.detail/title,heroworship-a-graphic-tale-of-epic-proportions--c-emerson-fine-arts-st-petersburg-fl/uid,ba683286eccf4785a427a31ee57d0f70/year,2010/

Heroworship: A Graphic Tale of Epic Proportions

If you are anywhere near the St. Petersburg area you should go to the C. Emerson Fine Arts Gallery and check out the show Heroworship: A Graphic Tale of Epic Proportions

Here is their website:

It will be up through September 18th!