Sunday, September 27, 2009

I was told to post

So here I am posting!

Check out Robb Fladry's website. He's another Grad student here at University of South Florida, he makes great work involving video installation.

He also loves Tom Cruise, and drum sets...

The link:

Side note: My favorite Tom Cruise movie, a tie between Days of Thunder and Mission Impossible.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MFA Group Show

There is an MFA group show going on in the Centre Gallery up on USF's campus. It will be up for another couple of days so go check it out!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Postcards To My Mommy

These are the fronts of two postcards I recently made that have gone out to my Mom. You see I recently moved across the country from Washington state to Florida and she worries. So I felt that need to send her something telling her I'm alright and at the same time have proof that I'm actually working.
No need to worry Mom, I'm still painting.